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Join CRO listing Event and win $100 worth CRO coin Hash Dice Challenge!


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Don't forget edited posts will be disqualified as stated in the rules. Make new post only

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nobody rolled 55555? 😳

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Who is the winner?

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I tried half the night and even 5555x failed, eh...and the money would be useful to me, 'cause the emptiness in wallet 😔

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It was close...


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  • Admin

Thank you all for participating winners will be announce within 24 hours.


Don't forget to join our CRV event at twitter to win $100 worth of CRV 


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  • Admin

As the 55555 roll was not hit by anyone with the bet requirement we will divide the $60 to 3 people who hit 5555x

Winners are:

@HOYA for 5555x reward $30

@◦◉✿ 𝕛𝕒𝕫𝕫 ✿◉◦ for 5555x reward $20

@memeng for 5555x reward $20

@FCFC for 5555x reward $20

@_r_0_w3_n_4_ for 555xx reward $10


Thank you all for participating! 

Winners need to PM me so i can send the rewards!



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