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  1. Post from rungxanhlv said: function Auto_bet(){ var Run_btn = document.documentElement.innerHTML.includes('Run Script'); if(Run_btn == true ){ document.querySelectorAll('div.button-inner')[2].click(); var find_btn = "Confirm"; var haystack = document.getElementsByClassName("button-inner"); var i; for (i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) { if(haystack[i].innerHTML == find_btn){ console.log("Auto Start"); haystack[i].click(); } } } } var Start_Auto_bet = setInterval(Auto_bet,1000); To cancel interval run this code or refesh your browser"
  2. Thank you @Skele and @Bigmattyboy for the script, I've been messing around with it and tried it out with different strategies. I recently got into using smart scripts and all your posts have been interesting to learn about, I wish I could learn to script and code as you guys. I made a lot and lost a lot, but I found these settings more successful or fun to bet with. (use at your own discretion and bet responsibly.) If your going to bet for real, I recommend only making Incremental gains of 0.01% If your making it any faster, your going to lose it fast with an unlucky streak or bounce if you can't handle the surmounting amount. ~ (The 0.01% Gainer) - Bankroll of at least 100 units Total Percentage: 0.02 Losses before minimum bet: 2 Payout: 1.5 Loss Multiplier: 2.75 Stop on Win: 1 Stop in row loss: 10 ~ (The Heroic Comeback) Bankroll of at least 50 units Total Percentage: 0.0001 Losses before minimum bet: 4 Payout: 1.3 Loss Multiplier: 7 Stop on Win: 1 Stop in row loss: 10 ~ (Slow and Heavy) - Big Bankroll Total Percentage: 1 Losses before minimum bet: 2 Payout: 1.02 Loss Multiplier: 50 Stop on Win: 1 Stop in row loss: 5 ~ (100 Coin Generator) - Bankroll of at least 20000 units of (SHB, JB, etc) Total Percentage: 0.001 Losses before minimum bet: 5 Payout: 1.7 Loss Multiplier: 2 Stop on Win: 5000 Stop in row loss: 10 ~
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